I read 8 books this month. This is an amazing accomplishment as it surpasses the number of books I read in total since becoming the mother of two preschoolers in May. My goal was helped considerably in that my husband was traveling 2 of the 4 weeks. I get way more play and way less sleep when he is gone. He generally tells me when it is time to go to bed. Apparently, I'm not grown yet! I think my favorite was Kindred by Octavia Butler. Marissa read this and enjoyed it too. In fact, when she finished reading it she went directly to the library and checked out more books by the same author.
This might be against the rules on a book blog, but I also want to recommend a documentary I watched this month. I had first heard of the book when I was browsing Shelfari looking for book recommendations. When I went to Amazon to see about buying the book and learned that the book was available as a documentary on DVD, I decided that I would just rent the DVD. I had hoped that it would be engaging enough to interest my oldest daughter. Well, she is smart enough to know when she is being tricked into learning something. But, I enjoyed the discussion. The video uses actors to portray the historical CS Lewis and Sigmund Freud and follows their journeys which ultimately leads Lewis to Christianity and in which Freud embraces atheism. The narration is interupted at intervals so that a group of people from different religious beliefs can take part in a round table discussion about the worldviews of the two men.
It feels good to be thinking again!
12 years ago
Wow 8 books in one month. That is excellent. I don't think I've ever done that - unless you count children's books. The documentary sounds interesting too.